Social Media Marketing

A Change Has Come…

I am a writer by trade.

I am a writer by trade.

Hello Guerilleros. I am Guerilla Roberto. As you are probably aware, the site hasn’t been updated much lately. Unfortunately for us, but fortunate for him, our Guerilla Chefe has been overwhelmed lately with new projects that are sucking up all of his time.

As a result of this social media frenzy, I have been asked to step in and take over for awhile. And for my first post, I will just introduce myself. Next week we will serve up a new tip or trick from the mouth of the Guerilla Chefe himself.

I am not exactly a social media guru, I am a writer. Hence I will now be writing this blog. As a friend and co-worker of the  Guerilla Chefe, I have unwittingly been involved in the chaos that is social media marketing. So far, it has been very good to me, and I hope to share some of the things I have learned along the way. I hope you all enjoy my style as much as you do our Guerilla Chefe.

And while I don’t know what the future holds, I do know the revolution hasn’t ended. In fact, we’re just entering a new phase. From now on, this site will be updated every week at least once. That’s right, we’re bringing some consistency to the site (and some better grammar!)

And for my final parting shot, how many of you can say Guerilleros out loud, with the correct pronunciation? That’s a tongue twister!

What To Do With Your Social Media Traffic?

Confused In Traffic?

Guerilleros, if you’ve listened to interview I had with Marnie Swedberg about Social Media Marketing for Local Audiences, you’re probably already applying some of the tips I shared and creating more exposure (read web traffic) to your brand.

Now, what are you going to do with that?

The biggest point I wanted to make clear was the fact that Social Media is not about you OR your company – the focus is on your Customer, or better yet, on that person that you’ve just met that MAY or may not become your customer.

Since I’m sure you’ve already understood that, being the great guerilleros(as) that you are, you should also know that if you send your newly generated social media traffic to a corporate-looking website, you’re losing the boat.

Keeping The Traffic (And The Conversation) Alive

When people see your activity on Facebook or Twitter, or they become interested in your content on Digg, they’re engaging that conversation you created – whether by posting helpful information, or a cool video, or simply sharing exciting news, those visitors ended up on your site because you connected with them.

If you send them straight to a site with cookie-cutter copy that talks continuously about your company, you’re completely ignoring that conversation and forcing them to swallow the same old commercial pill we’re tired of seeing on TV and Radio.

Become A WordPress Fanatic

That’s where a blog comes in ultra handy – I’ve mentioned before that WordPress is to Social Guerilla what GPS is to a country driver in Manhattan, and that’s one of the reasons why.

Let me make it extra clear by painting you a picture:

You’ve paid somebody like me to create a cool video, post it on an optimized Youtube profile, and you’re getting good hits.

When they click on the link right next to the video and land on your site, they see a blog post talking about the video, along with 5 other related posts and even more videos.

At the end of each post, you add a compelling, but gentle, call to action: “Like these cooking tips? Sign up now and get a 40% discount at our next cooking class”

The difference is that once they came to the site, their experience with the video was extended by the blog posts, and then the call to action came in for an attractive ending (which begins the real sales funnel).

If you haven’t gotten a blog started yet – what’re you waiting for? What’s your biggest obstacle?


If you’d like to know more about generating traffic through social media, there’s a new web marketing guerilla course coming up on March 18th that I highly recommend: Traffic Ultimatum

What’s your excuse for running a free blogger blogspot blog?

A chimpanzee brain at the Science Museum London

Use your social media brain and get a real wordpress blog

On our last post I showed you how easy it is to transfer all of your blogger content to a brand new wordpress blog. It showed how wordpress can host all of your content with a few quick clicks.

I also pointed you in the direction of a full tutorial that shows how to get a reliable wordpress blog hosting.

So what is your excuse for having a free blog?

If you’re a social media guerillero looking to dominate whatever battle you’re fighting, what’s stopping you from having a decent, professional blog hosted at your own domain?

I’d love to hear your answers.

What could possibly make you use a weird address like instead of a simple

The Image/Brand Effect

I may be offending some people with this comment – but do you know what comes to my mind everytime somebody tells me their blog address and it’s a blogger blog?


And the fact is – I’m right.

And even if I’m wrong, and they’re not newbies, they’re just too lazy to transfer their stuff to a new domain?

Somehow this doesnt compute in my brain.

The SEO aspect

I honestly cant say that having your own domain is better for seo – but I do know that one of the main reasons people just dont transfer their blogger over to a real wordpress domain is that they’re afraid of losing their rankings.

The thing is – the plugins that wordpress offers can make your life a heck of a lot easier when it comes to SEO.

Plus, there are channels you can use to get BLOGSPOT to place a redirect over to your new domain. That should clear most search engine issues.

So, please tell me  – why would ever have a free hosted blog?

Sign up for Hostgator now – and then follow this tutorial to install WordPress on your domain

Talk to you soon!

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The Synnd software is growing HUGE – Get in now while you can!

The Synnd software is reaching well over 600 members on the community

The Synnd software is reaching well over 600 members on the community

Guerilleros, I will make this quick and painless…

1. Sorry about the lack of content lately.

I’ve been swamped and having a hard time to sit down, look at data and write cool posts like the one about social media silos or social community building.

But I am working on it. That’s why I’ve been posting about Jeff Johnson’s free stuff – I figured I’d at least point you in the direction of a high-quality content provider.

2. My favorite social media marketing software is growing!

The Synnd software has now well over 600 members, which is huge for our syndication campaigns.

Think about: 600 people that get 20 credits a day free = 12000 credits going out daily (each credit means one bookmark, digg or Retweet). It’s a tremendous force to be reckoned with, specially when it can reach the first page of Digg for pretty much any category.

Yes – with 20 votes within 24 hours, your content can easily be featured on Digg or Reddit’s upcoming page – TONS of people hang out there. It’s huge traffic, free, coming straight to your site and taking action on your content!

I tould I’d make this quick, so here it goes:

Sign up for Synnd now, enjoy the free trial, and I will help you with anything during your setup. Personally!


An Idea: Social Media Guerilla For Small Brick & Mortar Business

Most small business owners are scared of Social Media

Most small business owners are scared of Social Media

Guerilleros, here’s an idea: a Social Media Guerilla manual for small businesses.

You guys impressed me so much with your ideas for the social marketing campaign for an online store that I want to open this up for discussion.

My company has been running Social Media Marketing for a handful of local businesses – I’ve posted some of their results here already.

But a lot of smart business owners are scared of social media – they either think it will clog their schedule with Facebook & twitter or they just dont want to let of their control over the brand. (which is BS and we all know it)

I thought about putting together a manual that gives them a clear action path for social updates – something like this:

Events such as a big landscaping project, a nice wedding catering, or a funny mma fight a  become a full blog post – write a quick blurb about the event (Who, What, Where, When, Why) and attach the most relevant pictures with the people’s names on them (so their names are indexed and they can find it)

After each blog post, you update Facebook (your profile, the fan page…) about the new blog post you wrote, and let the Fan page update your twitter automatically.

In between events (I’m assuming they wont post something new everyday) you can upload one pic every now and then to Facebook with a teaser to their blog.

What do you think, Guerilla brothers?

Let me know – leave a comment!

What Is Content Syndication & Why Should You Care?

Content Syndication = Your Own NON-PAID Army of Marketers

Content Syndication = Your Own NON-PAID Army of Marketers

You write a blog post.

You tell somebody on twitter about it.

That person comes in, likes what you wrote, and click on the “add to digg” button.

When that person posts your article on Digg, their app automatically updates that person’s twitter saying that she’d just digged your blog.

That person’s twitter followers come to Digg and see your post. They read it through the Digg toolbar, and automatically “digg it”.

Now that more people have “Digged it”, your post is up on the Popular section of Digg – and you reach tons of other Digg users, who repeat the process.

This is called Content Syndication and it basically means Viral Marketing through Social Media.

Expanding The Syndication Of Your Content

In the example above, all you’ve done was update your twitter about the new post. Let’s say that brought 10 visitors to your blog.

What if you had updated Digg, Reddit, Jumptags, Social Median, Simply, Delicious, Folkd, Facebook, and Twitter?

Now, you may argue that you might not have as many friends on Delicious as you have on Twitter. That’s a good argument, one that leads to the understanding of what Content Syndication really is based upon: SOCIAL CONNECTIONS.

Here are tools that will help boosting your Content Syndication:

The Add To Any WordPress Plugin

You can see it at the bottom of this post – it even goes along the RSS feed. When you click on any option, the Permalink, Title, Description, and upper image are automatically inserted to the submit form of the service, reducing your time considerably.

You can get your add to any here


An impressive application that updates nearly ALL social services with the touch of a button – requires that you initially add each of your social networks to their list. They will then store your info and everytime you send a new update, it will refresh your status throughout as many social networks as you’d like.

Sign up for a account here

But You’re Still Alone…

Even with these great services, your submissions may very well never be clicked by anybody if you dont have an active social community of your own.

Luckily, there is a way to fix that: The Synnd Software

Synnd is a private community that exists solely to vote/bookmark/spread other users’ content, therefore guaranteeing a successful syndication (one that creates a viral marketing effect).

See the Synnd software in action here.

Exploring the benefits of social media and content syndication is a way to work around getting free traffic without having to know SEO and definitely not spending money with PPC.

If you’d like to know more about Synnd, leave your questions below.

If you dont want to know anything about it, leave your comments below.

If you hated my disorganized writing, leave your comments below.

See you soon.

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