Connect to Consumers – and Convert! – Using these 5 Tips

There is a massive love affair going on between people and their smartphones. When 80 percent of people confess to checking their phones within 15 minutes of awakening, you know things have gotten serious. So, we know people are connected to their phones, but how to we, as businesses, connect to those people? Given the massive trend towards mobile marketing, it turns out that building a relationship with cell phone users is nothing short of essential to your company’s success. With that in mind, here are 5 tips you can use to connect and convert to the consumers you’re business needs most:

Think Locally

More and more consumers are thinking locally. There are a lot of great reasons to invest in local search: 97 percent of consumers like to research nearby products or services on the Internet, and 32 percent of smartphone users surveyed say they’re more likely to contact a local business that has a website. Of all those local searches being initiated, 80 percent actually convert to a sale. Your neighbors are looking for you – let them know you’re eager to have them over!

Know They Make Mistakes

Almost half of the clicks made on static mobile banner ads (as in banners that don’t change or move or get updated on a daily basis) are by complete accident, because of – get this – “fat fingers. Why is this important? Because consumers are human. They make mistakes, they sometimes act irrationally, and not everything they do can be boiled down to usable statistics or data to drive your strategy sessions. Sometimes you have to but the numbers aside and just take a chance on human nature.

Give Them What They Want

And give it to them fast! Mobile users are acting fast. 70 percent of the searches they’re making result in action – a click, an inquiry, a purchase – within an hour’s time. That’s a conversion rate that’s nearly three times better than searches that take place on a personal computer. Why are mobile devices converting so effectively? That may be up for debate, but it could be because mobile users search with intent; they’re on the go, looking for information mid-shop, on the way to a restaurant, or while desperate for a locksmith or tow truck or overnight dry cleaner. They want what they need, and they need it now. By having a mobile presence, you’re essentially being there for your customers when they need you. That’s a pretty valuable basis for a connection.

Understand What They DON’T Want

It’s all well and good to craft a mobile marketing strategy that honors all the things you think consumers want to see and feel, but understanding what they don’t like – and what might deter them from making a purchase or professing life-long loyalty – may be just as useful, if not more so. Did you know that 54 percent of consumers say that they won’t tap on mobile ads simply because it’s too frustrating to have their mobile experience interrupted? It’s something you should be aware of, not because you’ll want to ditch mobile ads altogether but because it lets you know that you need a bigger, broader, multi-channel strategy in order to reach all your audience effectively.

Think Outside the Written Word

Content marketing is still king, but it’s no longer just about the written word. Blogs are great, as is social media, but visual storytelling is making much more of an impact. Infographics, videos, and graphic-driven advertisements cater to the 65 percent of the global population that is classified as visual learners. These people don’t just respond to visual information better, they also absorb it more fully and understand it more. When the information you’re delivering is about your product and how it will make those consumer’s lives better, you want to make sure it’s connecting with them in the way that works for them the very best.

Mobile media is an absolute monster – there are even whole blogs dedicated to mobile‘s significance in the pop cultural ether – but it’s that very omnipresence that makes it so important, so essential, and such a fantastic method for connecting with your customer base. For more information on how to master the world of marketing and social media, check this out.

Author Biography

Sophorn Chhay
Sophorn is an inbound marketer specializing in attracting targeted visitors and generating sales qualified leads. Through Trumpia’s SMS marketing automation solution he helps businesses and organizations communicate effectively with their customers or members. Watch Trumpia’s 5-Minute Demo on how to execute an effective mobile marketing strategy.

5 Responses to Connect to Consumers – and Convert! – Using these 5 Tips
  1. […] survey of smartphone users found that 80 percent check their devices within 15 minutes of waking up....
  2. […] comprehensive information through mobile, you should adopt a mobile website strategy immediately. 80...
  3. […] same strategy marketers use to convert consumers into customers will help you turn workers into loya...
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