How To Import Your Blogspot Blogger Into A WordPress Blog
Guerilleros, you’re looking at a WordPress blog. A darn good one on my opinion.
But there are some guerilleros that still use blogspot Blogger blogs to carry their battles.
I honestly recommend anybody that is serious about their guerilla to switch to WordPress – it’s just the most intelligent weapon on your online arsenal.
So today I’m going to show you how to import your Blogger posts and pages into a new wordpress blog.
1. Log in to your WP Dashboard
Like this –
2. Under Import, click on Blogger
3. Authorize WordPress to pull your info from Blogger
4. Grant access to your Google Account
5. Click on IMPORT
And that’s it!
WordPress, the awesome tool, converts your entire Blogger content into posts on their platform. So your brand new domain is not so brand new anymore – you’ve got everything back.
Now, if all you want is to have your blogger hosted on your own domain , read this other quick tutorial.
And, if you need a cheap and reliable wordpress hosting, check this out. I’ve got a special PENNY coupon for you.