The guerilla never stops but we need to enlist new talented soldiers – I’m happy to announce we’ve opened a contract spot for an experienced digital marketer at LexisNexis. This person would be in the office (either NYC or Dayton, OH) and dive pretty deep into PPC (including Paid Social), SEO, and content marketing. We’re looking for an immediate hire, so if you’re interested or know someone who’ll be perfect, check out the full job description below: Read More…
I got some great responses, but the two that stood out the most were from Alex, who said
You could try to set up a Twitter stream with daily cool articles about kids stuff and start to follow relevant parents. How about that?
And from Adori, who said
What about getting parents to upload photos of their cuties in the costumes along with a brief write up of how much fun the day was and how the costume was a trill etc. Parents love to splash photos of their kids around.
Thank you, guys! Your ideas are by far the best route I have so far – and yes, Adori, parents fo love to splash their kids’ pics around. I’ll work with their design team to get that promotion off the ground.
But while I was researching on this topic, I came up with a surprisingly good guerilla advice from a mainstream Google sales guy, at the Inside Adwords blog:
Basically, what Jim Lecinsky is saying is what we all knew: you cant beat your customer over the head with your ad and expect them to drop what they’re doing and run to your site. He says PPC ads should now focus on adding value rather than disrupt their search/navigation.
And I’m back here thinking… isnt that what we call a BLOG? Duh !
So now, PPC is trying to catch up to Social Media and we have to fine-tune our stuff. Or not?
The people at Cute Toddlers have been running a series of content network campaigns, and their results are terribly common – average on-site time: 10seconds / bounce rate: 60%. They dont offer any value, they simply send people to what they’re looking for: costumes!
But, following Adori’s idea, if I had a campaign going where parents would post their Halloween pictures and maybe win free costumes, I could very well run that through PPC and… would my results be any better?
What do you think? Have you re-considered your PPC campaigns? Will my/Adori’s idea work?