
What’s your excuse for running a free blogger blogspot blog?

A chimpanzee brain at the Science Museum London

Use your social media brain and get a real wordpress blog

On our last post I showed you how easy it is to transfer all of your blogger content to a brand new wordpress blog. It showed how wordpress can host all of your content with a few quick clicks.

I also pointed you in the direction of a full tutorial that shows how to get a reliable wordpress blog hosting.

So what is your excuse for having a free blog?

If you’re a social media guerillero looking to dominate whatever battle you’re fighting, what’s stopping you from having a decent, professional blog hosted at your own domain?

I’d love to hear your answers.

What could possibly make you use a weird address like yourblog.blogspot.com instead of a simple yourblog.com?

The Image/Brand Effect

I may be offending some people with this comment – but do you know what comes to my mind everytime somebody tells me their blog address and it’s a blogger blog?


And the fact is – I’m right.

And even if I’m wrong, and they’re not newbies, they’re just too lazy to transfer their stuff to a new domain?

Somehow this doesnt compute in my brain.

The SEO aspect

I honestly cant say that having your own domain is better for seo – but I do know that one of the main reasons people just dont transfer their blogger over to a real wordpress domain is that they’re afraid of losing their rankings.

The thing is – the plugins that wordpress offers can make your life a heck of a lot easier when it comes to SEO.

Plus, there are channels you can use to get BLOGSPOT to place a redirect over to your new domain. That should clear most search engine issues.

So, please tell me  – why would ever have a free hosted blog?

Sign up for Hostgator now – and then follow this tutorial to install WordPress on your domain

Talk to you soon!

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How To Import Your Blogspot Blogger Into A WordPress Blog

Guerilleros, you’re looking at a WordPress blog. A darn good one on my opinion.

But there are some guerilleros that still use blogspot Blogger blogs to carry their battles.

I honestly recommend anybody that is serious about their guerilla to switch to WordPress – it’s just the most intelligent weapon on your online arsenal.

So today I’m going to show you how to import your Blogger posts and pages into a new wordpress blog.

1. Log in to your WP Dashboard

Like this – yourblogname.com/wp-admin

Under Tools, click on Import

Under Tools, click on Import

2. Under Import, click on Blogger

Import Blogger content to WordPress

Import Blogger content to WordPress

3. Authorize WordPress to pull your info from Blogger

Authorize wordpress to access your blogger content

Authorize wordpress to access your blogger content

4. Grant access to your Google Account

Click on Grant Access to let WordPress pull your blogspot info

Click on Grant Access to let WordPress pull your blogspot info

5. Click on IMPORT

Final stage: click on import

Final stage: click on import

And that’s it!

WordPress, the awesome tool, converts your entire Blogger content into posts on their platform. So your brand new domain is not so brand new anymore – you’ve got everything back.

Now, if all you want is to have your blogger hosted on your own domain , read this other quick tutorial.

And, if you need a cheap and reliable wordpress hosting, check this out. I’ve got a special PENNY coupon for you.

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