viral effect

The Hesher Campaign – An Unusual Strategy for an Unusual Movie

Good morning, Guerilleros! Summer is coming, and with summer comes summer blockbusters! Some of the biggest and best movies come out this time of year, and with a line up that includes Thor, Captain America and the Green Lantern, it’s going to be a great summer for comic book fans. But the movie I’m talking about today is Hesher. Read More…

How to Boost Your Facebook Fan Page Using Tags!

Hello Guerilleros! Today is a lovely, cool day on the Island; much preferred over the sweltering heat we usually get.  It’s a perfect day to wear the new shirt the Guerilla Chefe got me. It’s from one of our clients and I’ve been wanting one for a while,  but since it’s long sleeve I had to wait for it to get a bit cooler.

So this morning I put it on, and it looked really good on me, so I took a picture of myself wearing it. Naturally, I uploaded it to my personal Facebook.

From here, I wanted to show all the people involved how well it fit. We all know that tagging the photo itself puts the picture on the persons wall, but you can’t photo tag with a fan page and I wanted the clients fans to see the pic as well.

So I put a message with the photo and I used the @ to tag people. When you type @, followed by whoever you’re trying to tag, Facebook will pop up a little selection of your friends and pages you like. Just pick who you’re looking for, and you’re good to go. But to tag someone, you have to be friends with them, or Like them.

Clearly, this is incredibly useful. If you have a company that sells kitchen furnishings, why not talk about Vetrazzo counter tops and tag Vetrazzo in your update? Then your post will appear on both your site and the Vetrazzo site. And, generally, there are more followers on their page who will hopefully follow back to your page and become fans.

I would warn you though, don’t abuse it. It has been my experience that other pages will take offense if you start blowing them up with your posts.

So thats this weeks update. The Guerrilla Chefe is beckoning, so I best be wrapping this post up. And of course, don’t forget to search the rest of the site for more social media guerrilla warfare tactics.  See you next week, Guerilleros!

Custom Landing Pages on Facebook

Good morning, Guerilleros! It’s about two in the morning local time, and I’m getting pretty tired. I’ve been up half the night playing Halo:Reach, and I think it’s about bed time. However, I have a ritual I follow before bed, and I wanted to cut you in on it.

I like to check out the blogs and sites I follow, as well as Facebook. You know, like Copyblogger, Mashable, and Techcrunch. They’re all kind of industry related. However, sparked by a Monster-fueled Halothon, I decided to pop in on the Xbox community over on Facebook.

I had never been to their FB page, and it was nice. They have 3  custom FBML pages. One for everyone, one for the hardcore gamers (like me!), and one for the new Kinect. Of course, even though it has a separate tab, the “All” page had the Kinect, as well. And that was also the landing page.

Just recently, I had to ask the Guerilla Chefe how to set my custom FBML page as the landing page for everyone. It’s so simple, I felt dumb for not knowing. So just to keep you from feeling dumb, here it is really quick.

Go to a page you admin. On a page you admin, click “Edit Page”

See? I even highlited what to click.

See? I even highlited what to click.

Click “Edit” under “Wall Settings”

Select which landing page you want from the drop-down.

That’s it in it’s entirety. I told you it was pretty easy, and for some reason I even included pictures. So hopefully you guys learned something, and now, I have a few more Covenant to kill before bed.

Killer Social Media Marketing Software For a $1 – Synnd Bonus!

click here to get Synnd today for $1

click here to get Synnd today for $1

Guerilleros, I will make this short and to the point – the revolutionary social media marketing software that Charles Heflin has been developing for the past 2 years is now offering a never-before-seen 14 day trial for a $1.

This is a 24 hours deal – so dont miss it!

I’ve been talking about the importance of content syndication in social media for a while now and you should know that Synnd takes it to a completely new level.

Charles said that there are over 600 members using Synnd right now, and that the new posts can rack up to 30 DIGGS in ONE day – that pretty much guarantees a front page appearance on the Upcoming Digg page.

That’s by far the most effective way to gain viral exposure.

Click here to sign up for Synnd now for only a $1

What Is Content Syndication & Why Should You Care?

Content Syndication = Your Own NON-PAID Army of Marketers

Content Syndication = Your Own NON-PAID Army of Marketers

You write a blog post.

You tell somebody on twitter about it.

That person comes in, likes what you wrote, and click on the “add to digg” button.

When that person posts your article on Digg, their app automatically updates that person’s twitter saying that she’d just digged your blog.

That person’s twitter followers come to Digg and see your post. They read it through the Digg toolbar, and automatically “digg it”.

Now that more people have “Digged it”, your post is up on the Popular section of Digg – and you reach tons of other Digg users, who repeat the process.

This is called Content Syndication and it basically means Viral Marketing through Social Media.

Expanding The Syndication Of Your Content

In the example above, all you’ve done was update your twitter about the new post. Let’s say that brought 10 visitors to your blog.

What if you had updated Digg, Reddit, Jumptags, Social Median, Simply, Delicious, Folkd, Facebook, and Twitter?

Now, you may argue that you might not have as many friends on Delicious as you have on Twitter. That’s a good argument, one that leads to the understanding of what Content Syndication really is based upon: SOCIAL CONNECTIONS.

Here are tools that will help boosting your Content Syndication:

The Add To Any WordPress Plugin

You can see it at the bottom of this post – it even goes along the RSS feed. When you click on any option, the Permalink, Title, Description, and upper image are automatically inserted to the submit form of the service, reducing your time considerably.

You can get your add to any here


An impressive application that updates nearly ALL social services with the touch of a button – requires that you initially add each of your social networks to their list. They will then store your info and everytime you send a new update, it will refresh your status throughout as many social networks as you’d like.

Sign up for a account here

But You’re Still Alone…

Even with these great services, your submissions may very well never be clicked by anybody if you dont have an active social community of your own.

Luckily, there is a way to fix that: The Synnd Software

Synnd is a private community that exists solely to vote/bookmark/spread other users’ content, therefore guaranteeing a successful syndication (one that creates a viral marketing effect).

See the Synnd software in action here.

Exploring the benefits of social media and content syndication is a way to work around getting free traffic without having to know SEO and definitely not spending money with PPC.

If you’d like to know more about Synnd, leave your questions below.

If you dont want to know anything about it, leave your comments below.

If you hated my disorganized writing, leave your comments below.

See you soon.

Social Guerilla BOOST – the Synnd Software & Content Syndication

Social Media Guerilla will boost your Synnd software!

Social Media Guerilla will boost your Synnd software!

If you have been trying to make sense of Social Media Marketing you’ve probably figured out that it takes A LOT OF TIME to create enough traffic through blogging, social bookmarking, twitter, etc…

And it can be very frustrating – you spend an hour or so writing a blog post (after setting up your blog), submit it to Digg, Twitter, Facebook, blah blah blah… And you get 30 visits. Maybe one comment.

This may be okay if all you want is your family to come look at your blog, but it is UNACCEPTABLE for a good Guerilla. Seriously, are you going to win any battles with 30 visits?

Well, another Guerillero, with a lot more social war experience than you and me together, ran into this very same issue  – and did something about it.

He figured out that the most successful social media warriors had TONS of friends – and those friends were actively replicating their content, retweeting, digging, embedding, etc… He learned the secret of the social viral effect.

Content Syndication

You put “social viral effect” in fancy terms using Content Syndication – it means other people spreading your content (video, article, post, tweet) throughout the net. It’s the most effective form of social guerilla, as effective as word of mouth.

With that said, what that experienced Guerillero did was put together a software that gathered all of the content from his closed community of friends, posted on a bunch of different social sites, and voted on each one of them in order to make them popular.

Genious, right? The software completely eliminated the time it took to bookmark your post to delicious, digg, reddit, twitter, facebook… And boosted that social bookmarking with AUTOMATIC actions that would bump your content up.

The Synnd Software

Synnd works in a simple way: You post your video/post/article like you’d normally do. Then you tell the software what you want it to do – bookmark it, tweet it, or “vote it” (on services like Digg and Reddit). You can pick all of them if you want.

The software then publishes that new “job” to the entire community, and automatically gets other users to perform the “job” you selected. Within a couple of days, your content was bookmarked several times in several different services, which results in:

More traffic (from those social services) – More backlinks (Google indexes “popular” content faster) – Even more traffic (from Google).

Just like magic – you’re back to writing good content, which is the real money-maker, and let the software do its thing.

Today, the software is in Beta testing and a handful of guerilleros are being accepted.

I’m one of those – and you can be too.

Sign up for a test drive of SYNND here

Social Guerilla Marketing Done Right: The X-One Mug

X-One is the most socially active coffee mug ever!

X-One is the most socially active coffee mug ever!

Guerilleros, today over at the ASI Central I read a cool post about 5 hot marketing trends and if it’s hot, there’s social media all over it.

No doubt, Social Media was the very first “hot trend” (they call it “trend”, we know it’s a GUERILLA!) and even though they didn’t seem to be very familiar with the topic, they picked a real Guerilla strategy to talk about: The X-One Mug Fan Page

The company that makes the X1 (Gold Bond Inc.) decided that

As a travel mug, the X-one is always going places, so the marketing team figured social media was a natural fit, and the X-one Facebook page was born

Pretty clever, huh?

There are a ton of reasons why Gold Bond marketing director Karen Sherrill should receive a considerable bonus, but here at the Guerilla we’ll discuss why their campaign works like charm:

Social Media Marketing With Humour

Attention to details: humor and constant updates on the x-one fan page

Attention to details: humor and constant updates on the x-one fan page

Now raise your hands those who enjoy when companies make fun of themselves… ???

When you go social, online or offline, it’s your personality that attracts people – and the X-One team have created a darn cool one for their fan page.

Mentioning personality is important not only to make the X-One remarkable but to instigate people to talk about it (like I’m doing right now).

I’ve written about the guerilla marketing viral effect and how content goes viral when there’s a benefit to the user that is syndicating it.

Sherill proved to be a master guerillera when she stated this in regards to being remarkable:

One of the important elements seems to be humor or intrigue that will give friends and fans a reason to pick your tweets and posts out of the onslaught of others

Why the x1 Guerilla Marketing Has Gone Viral

Sherill and her team have made the X-One campaign extremely engaging by asking people to share how and where they take their mugs. When customers send them pictures, they’re all published on the fan page under the album “Places I Have Been“.

Check out these pics from the album:

Is that a successful campaign or what?

Is that a successful campaign or what?

Remarkable social media marketing...!

Remarkable social media marketing...!

They’re completely NOT A SOCIAL MEDIA SILO – From their facebook page, you can see that the entire company participates: there are mentions of the plant manager, becky the sales rep…

What they missed – Subtle Monetizing…

We could not find a link to the company website at the fan page, and we could not find a link to their twitter account either.

ATTENTION: Good social media guerillas are subtle about these strategies, and it’s not a bad practice to make it a bit less obvious for your visitors that you’re trying to sell something.

In the X-One case, however, they’re really not trying to sell anything. Their approach is almost entirely entertaining, and that’s where they missed the point:

What If I wanted to buy an X-One?

My wife drinks more coffee than Brazil can export it, and I’d love to buy her one.

How about a link to a “” domain with more pictures, and an online order form?

Anyway, many praises to Sherill and the marketing team at Gold Bond Inc. They’ve put together a really powerful guerilla campaign, and it should be an inspiration for companies who think social media marketing is about blasting 140 character ads over twitter.

How To Turn Guerilla Marketing Viral – The Viral Effect!

The psychology behind anything that goes viral is that the user gets some sort of benefit by promoting it.

The “viral” aspect only works if, after spreading it to their friends, that user will be seen as funny, smart, up-to-date, or valuable.

So, when thinking about new Guerilla marketing content, focus on creating remarkable pieces, that will separate those who have seen it (the cool, the smart, the savvy, the geekiest…) from those who NEED to see it (beyond your potential customers)

The Viral Effect Determines The NEED To See/Read/Try It

Therein lies the Viral Effect; divising the “have seen it” from the “need to see”. And the more remarkable your Guerilla marketing is, the bigger the “NEED TO SEE”.

You’ve probably seen a very old viral video on TV being advertised in the ‘news’ and thought to yourself:

“I’ve already seen it, those TV people are always behind…”

And of course, you’re a much cooler person because you had already seen it 😉

Alright, but how does one go about creating the viral effect in guerilla??

First of all, check through this list to make sure your content passes “guerilla quality control”:

  • Very little pitch, if pitch at all
  • There’s no way anybody will know what it relates to unless they watch/read it to the end
  • Creates expectation/suspense/thrill/curiosity
  • Goes WAY beyond “target market”, attractive to a wide range of users

If it passes all these factors, there’s a big chance you’ve got a bazooka Guerilla on your hands.

But well, it’s not like there’s an ignition button to fire up massive content syndication – specially if you don’t have a large syndication network – but here are strategies good for any marketer:

  • Most twitter users have their own blogs, but it’s also good to check for specific blogs and contact bloggers.
  • On youtube, if you’re doing a guerilla video, it works very well to ALLOW embeds and comments. After all, you do want buzz, right?

This troublesome strategy of contacting social media personalities is the ONLY shortcut to those who do not have a large network of friends to syndicate your content.

The other strategy that seems to work (depending on budget) is to have a top-notch PR firm feed the media.

(of course, we’re talking about social media here – so don’t expect me to suggest helicopter-bombing-business-cards type of strategies here)

But turning any guerilla into a viral marketing depends on your ability to:

  • be newsworthy

  • be social (online)

(grow a large group of ‘friends’ on multiple platforms – your content syndication network)

  • be remarkable

  • be steady & keep ’em coming

(turn a single campaign into multiple posts/pieces – start a specific website/blog just for it)

We’ll keep the guerilla rolling, and will post much more content here, but if you really want to overthrow the establishment and learn underground guerilleros’ tools to automate social media marketing, click here.

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