You write a blog post.
You tell somebody on twitter about it.
That person comes in, likes what you wrote, and click on the “add to digg” button.
When that person posts your article on Digg, their app automatically updates that person’s twitter saying that she’d just digged your blog.
That person’s twitter followers come to Digg and see your post. They read it through the Digg toolbar, and automatically “digg it”.
Now that more people have “Digged it”, your post is up on the Popular section of Digg – and you reach tons of other Digg users, who repeat the process.
This is called Content Syndication and it basically means Viral Marketing through Social Media.
Expanding The Syndication Of Your Content
In the example above, all you’ve done was update your twitter about the new post. Let’s say that brought 10 visitors to your blog.
What if you had updated Digg, Reddit, Jumptags, Social Median, Simply, Delicious, Folkd, Facebook, and Twitter?
Now, you may argue that you might not have as many friends on Delicious as you have on Twitter. That’s a good argument, one that leads to the understanding of what Content Syndication really is based upon: SOCIAL CONNECTIONS.
Here are tools that will help boosting your Content Syndication:
The Add To Any WordPress Plugin
You can see it at the bottom of this post – it even goes along the RSS feed. When you click on any option, the Permalink, Title, Description, and upper image are automatically inserted to the submit form of the service, reducing your time considerably.
You can get your add to any here
An impressive application that updates nearly ALL social services with the touch of a button – requires that you initially add each of your social networks to their list. They will then store your info and everytime you send a new update, it will refresh your status throughout as many social networks as you’d like.
Sign up for a account here
But You’re Still Alone…
Even with these great services, your submissions may very well never be clicked by anybody if you dont have an active social community of your own.
Luckily, there is a way to fix that: The Synnd Software
Synnd is a private community that exists solely to vote/bookmark/spread other users’ content, therefore guaranteeing a successful syndication (one that creates a viral marketing effect).
See the Synnd software in action here.
Exploring the benefits of social media and content syndication is a way to work around getting free traffic without having to know SEO and definitely not spending money with PPC.
If you’d like to know more about Synnd, leave your questions below.
If you dont want to know anything about it, leave your comments below.
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See you soon.
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